Monday 1 November 2010

Analysis of Questionnaire Results

Do you read music magazines?

Yes - 20 No - 0

This will tell me what to include in my music magazine
7 people out of the 20 asked liked posters, this was more
than the other choices. This information tells me that I should
include posters in my magazine because that is what most people 

The results show that most people (6/20) didn't
like avertising in music magazines, in my magazine I
cannot remove adverts because they are needed in the magazine.
5 out of the 20 asked said they dislikes the free gifts
so possible I might not have a free gift in my magazine
because a quarter of the people I asked didn't like this.

On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is very important and 5 is irrelevant, how do you rate the following. Please circle your answer.

8 people said that the charts were very important
this means i will use information about the lastest
music and whats in the charts at the moment.

8 people said free gifts were very important, this is
almost half of the peopel asked but 4 people disagreed
and said that they were not important, it is
likely my magazine will include a free gift because
most of teh people said it was important.

12 people, which is more than half asked said
that posters were very important, this means they
must be included in my magazine.

Nearly all the people out of the 20 I asked said
pictures were very important, 16 people said this
so this tells me to include lots of pictures
in my magazine.

7 people said that comepitons were not
important so my magazine won't have as many competitions
because the readers don't find them important in a music

Out of the 20 people I asked, 17 of them
read music magazines monthly. This tells me
that the music magazine I create should be out
every month. Since no one said the read music magazines
daily my magazine will not be puplished daily.

The most popular words were, Happy, Pop, Music and upbeat
this may give me an idea of words to use for the title of
the magazine or words to use in the article or
on the front page.

Because 7 people chose £2.50 and £3.00
on what they would pay for a magazine it means my magazine
will cost no less than £2.50 and no more than £3.00
because most people said that is how much they would pay, if I charged more
they wouldn't buy it.

The common artists people said were their favorite
was Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and
Cheryl Cole. This tells me what artists information or articles
I should use in my magazine becase people want to read about their
favorite artists.

Most people bought music CDs so in my magazine
I will include CD information for example the CD charts
and it could also give me an idea of what to give away in competitions.

The most popular color people said was their favorite
was blue, this means I will use the color blue on my magazine.
Also the color purple, pink and red were popular
so they could be used on my magazine.

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