Monday 8 November 2010

Planning Production

Front cover images:
Female with candy cane in bright colors

Coverlines for front cover:

Candy Cane: Exclusive
3 Words: Messy Little Cheryl
How did she get where she is now?
Rock Goddess
Wizard to pop star
Who's top this month?
Swifty Speaks Now!
Taylor Swift chats about her new album and more!
Bieber Fever
Have you got it?
GaGa for GaGa
Find out why fans are so gaga for Lady GaGa

Text for contents page:


4 Pop Maker
Learn Love Story by Taylor Swift
8 Back Stage
back stage with Ke$ha
13 Artist of the month!
This weeks best pop artist is... Turn to page 13 to find out
16 Chart Time!
Who's number one? Find out now
17 Download Chart
Check out the latest downloads
18 CD Singles chart
The must have CD for this month
22 Pop No, Pop Fab
Who’s rockin’ the pop world this month
26 Your page
Your chance to have your say
27 Pop Posters
Any poster you want we got it
43 Star Light
Take a look at X Factors Cher Lloyd rise to fame
55 Chill Out
Lay back and relax, we got tons of quizzes to chill out with
60 Letters
Your letters could be in the next issue of the magazine!
65 Competition!
Win the chance to go back stage at a Ashely Tisdale concert
67 Concert!
Check out these exclusive images from Biebers My World tour


6 Where to go?
We share exclusive tips on how to become a pop star
10 Messy Little Cheryl
How did she make it as a TV star AND pop star?
12 Life as a pop star
Ever wondered what it's like to live like a pop star?
14 Selena Gomez
Wizard to rock princess, check out her story
19 Taylor Swift Speaks Now
Exclusive Swifty interview, she reveals all
21 Demi Lovato
Lessons from Camp Rock star Demi Lovato
24 GaGa for GaGa
what;s got her Little Monsters going GaGa for Lady GaGa?
40 Bieber Fever
Who hasn't got it? Is there a cure?
45 Montanna to Cyrus
How did it happen for Miley? Once just a childrens TV star
48 Candy Cane
Exclusive Interview with pop star Candy Cane
50 DianaVickers
Songs from the tainted Diana Vickers
53 JLS
JLS top 10 artists
Images for contents page:
Candy Cane: Girl on front page
Bieber Fever: photos of Justin Biebers twitter and youtube
GaGa for GaGa: Doll dressed as Lady GaGa
Messy Little Cheryl: hand with 3 fingers up agazinst a brick wall

Images for Article:

3 words: Messy Little Cheryl

3 Words in glitter on a window with rain pouring down

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