Tuesday 2 November 2010

Publication Plan

Title: Bubbles
Positioning Statement: The only music magazine that goes POP!
Frequecy of publication: Monthly
Price: £2.90
Distribution: Newsagents, Supermarkets, concerts, music shops

Rationale: The magazine will give information about the lastest pop artists and what's in the charts at the moment in a fun way. Articles and Interviews will look at the pop artists in a less serous way to other music magazines

Style: Informal to connect with the readers, uses humor a lot. The magazine will use a simple vocabulary and the pages will be mostly dominated by images. 

Regular Content

Letters page
Chart page
Download chart
CD singles chart
CD Albums chart
Artist of the month
Your page - fans page about what they think about the lastest music
Pop No, Pop fab - postitive and negative of pop music this month
Pop posters - pages of posters
Make your pop - tips every month on how to create pop music
Back stage - goes behind the scences at a concert
Chill out - quizzes
Star light - different pop singer each week telling their experiences

Feature Content

Where to go? - article on where pop musicians sould go to get famous
Messy Little Cheryl - Article on Cheryl Coles life and new album 'Messy Little Raindrops'
Life as a pop star
Rock Godess - Article about Selena Gomez
Lessons from Taylor
Exclusive Taylor Swift interview
GaGa for GaGa - fans talk about their favortie star
Bieber Fever - talks to fans about Justin Bieber and him
Montana to Cyrus - Article on Miley Cyrus and how she got so famous
Twin trouble - John and Edward tell the readers how they decided on song choices for their album
Songs from the Tainted Cherry tree
JLS's top ten pop artists

House Style

Coverlines: Bauhaus 93 18pt
Headlines: Britannic Bold 18pt
Standfirst: Berlin Sans FB Demi 14pt
Captions: Britannic Bold 18pt

Features first paragraph: Drop capital Berlin Sans FB Demi 14pt first five words in capitals
News first paragraph: first five word in capitals
Body text: Century Schoolbook
Color scheme: blue, black

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