Friday 8 October 2010

Evaluation of school magazine

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The school magazine follows the conventions of a real media product because the front cover contains one main image of a person in medium close up. The front cover has a main title which fills the whole top of the page. The front page doesn’t have too many cover lines but they are all in a bigger font to the writing underneath the cover lines which makes it stand out. The front cover has buzz words on it, the word exclusive would make people buy it. The front page has a barcode which every magazine has to have. It has a price, issue number and the date of the magazine. It doesn’t follow the conventions because it doesn’t use other smaller pictures. The magazine cover doesnt follow the conventions of a magazine cover because iy doesnt have a unique font. The contents page follows the conventions because it is layed out in columns and the spaces are filled with pictures and there is an image of the front cover on it.
I used new media technologies in my magazine.

How did you use new media technologies in the construction of your media product?

I used quarkexpress which is a media software which creates contents pages and articles in magazines easily. I used this for the contents page and found it easy to use. It easily layed work out in columns and was similar to photoshop which i used for the magazine front cover.

What are the strenghts and weaknesses of both the product and your use of new media technologies?

The strengths of the products was the main image on the front page it was in the right shot and fitted with the magazine. The person on the front page was in uniform which relates to school. The strenghts of the contents page where that there were enough images to fill the contents page without leaving any spaces.  

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